On January 20-23, 2025, Institute of Global Homelessness and International Journal on Homelessness (IJOH) organized its 2nd conference on homelessness and held Vanguard Summit in Santiago, Chile. About 300 researchers, lived experienced people and experts from 30 countries of 6 continents gathered together sharing their researches, good practices and challenges on addressing, preventing and ending homelessness. Ms. Erdenechimeg Ulziisuren, CEO & Founder of Cognos International LLC - Research & Evaluation Company and Mr. Bayanmunkh Bayanaa, CEO & Founder of Ulziit-Asar homeless shelter attended the #IJOHCONF25 sharing Mongolia's homelessness situation, reasons of becoming homeless, and they visited homeless shelters in Santiago to learn from their practice. We are grateful for Institute of Global Homelessness and International Journal on Homelessness for this opportunity and partnership to end homelessness.
Suite-806, 8th floor, Twin Tower-2, Seoul street-10/1, 2nd khoroo, Sukhbaatar district, 14251 Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia