Our company kicked-off the consultancy service of social and gender analysis for various Urban and Social Sector Division Projects of Asian Development Bank's East Asia Department on July 10, 2023.
Within the scope of consultancy, Cognos is responsible for assisting in the processing of the loans and supervising the
implementation of:
(i) poverty social and vulnerability analysis and review;
(ii) gender analysis and gender actions plans (GAPs)/social development action plans (SDAPs)/social and gender action plans (SGAPs);
(iii) ethnic minority development plans (EMDPs)/ indigenous people plan (IPP);
(iv) monitoring and updating of relevant semi-annual, quarterly progress reports and completion report;
(v) capacity building of EA/IA officers and consultants on understanding, implementing, and reporting the GAP/SDAP/GAP and EMDP/IP.
Suite-806, 8th floor, Twin Tower-2, Seoul street-10/1, 2nd khoroo, Sukhbaatar district, 14251 Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia