On April 12, 2023, along with Genesis Analytics, South Africa and UK based company, Cognos International LLC kicked off the consultancy "To support the design of youth employment initiatives and resource mobilization efforts in Mongolia."
The Ministry of Labour and Social Protection (MLSP) in Mongolia expressed interest to ILO and UNICEF in supporting young people’s education, training and employment in Mongolia through the multi-stakeholder initiatives of the UN Global Initiative on Decent Jobs for Youth and Generation Unlimited.
This assignment and its outputs are expected to inform and build the joint technical assistance interventions of ILO and UNICEF to support national stakeholders in the operationalization of the country investment plan and to concretize funding opportunities. The final report will be completed in October, 2023.
Suite-806, 8th floor, Twin Tower-2, Seoul street-10/1, 2nd khoroo, Sukhbaatar district, 14251 Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia